Phases to organise a perfect and successful Campaign
A marketing campaign is a perfect way of advertising a finished product. A proper execution of a plan needs to be done for a successful campaign. Campaigns shall generate leads of consumers and also raise funds when required. A campaign when carried out on a big scale attracts a huge mass of potential customers for the respective service. Campaigning is a new dimension in the field of advertising. The larger the campaign, the larger is the impact on the audience.
For the launch of a campaign and it to be result oriented, the following basic phases needs to be formulated:
PHASE 1–Initiation: The starting of a campaign first needs a basic planning. The planning here includes proper managerial tasks to be done way before launching. A proper date, time and venue need to be selected. The date should not collide with any red-letter day or public holidays. The time should be relatable according to the geographical location and needs. Early morning or late-night campaigns are generally not preferred. The venue should be pre decided. It should be booked very well in advance. The start and end date of the campaign must be finalized to not collide with another organization in the same venue.
Phase 2- Promotion: Advertising comprises the next important step for a successful campaign. The date, time and venue should be advertised well in advance. This shall allow the people to keep their schedule free during that time. Proper advertising must be done. Promotion through online portals is a must in the digital world. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are influential platforms. Newspaper and radio announcements can also be preferred.
Phase 3-Accessories: Requirements of the campaign must be well prepared. Attractive hoardings should be prepared beforehand. Catchy slogans can be used to attract the audience. Pop up Displays Trade Shows are trending these days. They are easy to carry and attractive. No professional installation is needed. A pre decided size should be ordered before the campaign. Other requirements like hand-outs, brochures are also needed. Take away personalized gifts are attraction. They not only attract the audience present, but also those who are not. When these gifts are carried away to a different location, enquires are generated who may be potential customers. Light snacks and water availability must be ensured for both exhibitors as well as audience.
Phase 4-Implementation: The last but not the least phase is that of implementation. The organizers should be ready on the spot before the given time. All the necessary arrangements as mentioned in phase 3shold be checked and ensured that nothing is missed. The campaign must start without much delay. No scope of mismanagement should occur from the organizers. They should also be ready if any unfortunate incident occurs among the huge audience present. Organizers must possess people with proper communication and managerial skills.
A successful campaign is ensured if all the phases are followed accurately. Campaigning is a form of advertising a service or product. Sponsors can also be approached for funds and their respective products can be displayed during the campaign as well as during the promotion of the campaign. A campaign can be said to be successful, once the audience is convinced of the service and are potential customers of the same.